Who we are

Frehiwot Shibru, the heart and soul of Kibco Coffee Limited, isn't your average coffee entrepreneur. Though her academic background lies in English literature, a deeper passion simmers within her – a passion ignited in the cradle of Ethiopian coffee culture. Growing up under the watchful eye of her father, owner of a renowned cafe and restaurant, Frehiwot was not merely a bystander. She was his apprentice, inheriting his love for the meticulous art of brewing the perfect cup.

This early exposure, coupled with a burgeoning passion of her own, blossomed into the vision for Kibco Coffee Limited – a unique hybrid, where the rich aroma of freshly roasted beans mingles with the inviting buzz of a welcoming coffee shop.

Frehiwot's journey isn't a solitary one. By her side stands Kibrom Teklehaymanot, a self-made entrepreneur brimming with drive and a keen eye for business. Kibrom's experience spans nearly two decades, encompassing the diverse landscapes of restaurants, construction, finance, and even charitable organizations. He brings not only a wealth of practical knowledge but also a deep-seated passion for technology and its potential to revolutionize the industry. Further bolstering his expertise, Kibrom holds an MBA from the esteemed International Leadership Institution in Addis Ababa.

Together, Frehiwot and Kibrom form a formidable partnership, their unique strengths complementing each other perfectly. Frehiwot's artistic vision for coffee, honed by experience and heritage, blends seamlessly with Kibrom's strategic acumen and technological foresight. This powerful combination promises to not just elevate the coffee experience for patrons but also redefine the Ethiopian coffee landscape itself.