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Harar Ethiopian coffee

Harar coffee is a renowned Ethiopian coffee bean variety known for its unique flavor profile and rich history. Here's a breakdown of its key characteristics:

Origin and History:

  • Grown in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia, particularly the Harar region (formerly known as Oromia).
  • Considered one of the oldest cultivated coffee varieties, with a history dating back centuries.
  • Traditionally transported by donkey caravan to the port city of Djibouti for export, creating the famous "Harar Long Distance" classification.

Flavor Profile:

  • Known for its bold, complex flavor with notes of:
    • Chocolate
    • Blackberry
    • Blueberry
    • Apricot
    • Some describe a subtle floral or jasmine aroma.
  • Often described as having a "dry" or wine-like finish.
  • Considered a full-bodied coffee with a medium to light acidity.


  • Traditionally processed using the "dry" or "natural" method.
  • Coffee cherries are left to dry in the sun on raised drying beds, allowing the fruit sugars to infuse the beans, contributing to the intense flavor.

Popularity and Uses:

  • Highly prized by coffee connoisseurs for its unique flavor profile.
  • Popular choice for espresso blends due to its rich body and intense aroma.
  • Can be enjoyed as a single-origin pour-over or drip coffee for a full appreciation of its complexity.

Additional Points:

  • The quality of Harar coffee can vary depending on factors like growing conditions, processing methods, and roasting profiles.
  • Look for specialty coffee roasters who source high-quality Harar beans to experience its full potential.
  • The traditional donkey caravan transport is less common today, but "Harar Long Distance" can still be a marker of high-quality beans.

Overall, Harar coffee offers a distinctive and captivating coffee experience for those who appreciate bold flavors and rich history.